Al-Zajil Cargo

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Why Choose Us

Fast and Reliable

We ensure fast and reliable delivery of your shipments to any destination.

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Wide Network

Our extensive network of transportation services covers a wide range of locations.

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Secure Handling

Your shipments are handled with the utmost care and security

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About Us?

Al-Zajil Cargo and Logistics Services provides air, sea and land freight services and services associated with freight operations such as internal transportation, warehousing and customs clearance.We have accumulated experience in freight services that exceeds a decade of continuous work. Thanks to our long experience and the loyalty of our distinguished customers, we have achieved distinguished partnerships and relationships with giant companies in this field, such as air freight companies, maritime shipping companies, and companies related to freight services. Our excellence is the result of our customers' confidence in our services, so we pay attention to the quality of service at competitive prices in pursuit of our customers' satisfaction. We also care about the details of the service in order to achieve integration.

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Our Services

Shipping and transportation

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